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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UC Decision Notification

Hey everyone! This might be a common question, but I'm getting a bit anxious about this whole process. When do UC's typically release admissions decisions? Is it different for each campus or do they all come out around the same time? Thanks in advance for any help!

3 months ago

Hey there! The UC admissions decision timeline can vary slightly by campus, but generally, decisions are released in March. Keep in mind that these are general timeframes and specific dates can change from year to year. Here's a rough overview of when each UC campus tends to release their decisions:

- UC Berkeley: Late March

- UC Davis: Mid-March

- UC Irvine: Mid-March

- UCLA: Late March

- UC Merced: Early March

- UC Riverside: Early March

- UC San Diego: Mid-March

- UC Santa Barbara: Mid-March

- UC Santa Cruz: Mid-March

Some campuses may release decisions in waves, so don't worry too much if you see others receiving their decisions before you do. Additionally, Regents Scholarship notifications and waitlist decisions usually come out earlier or later than the regular decision notifications, depending on the campus. Make sure to keep an eye on your email and the UC application portal, as that's where you'll find any updates. Good luck, and I hope this helps alleviate some of your anxiety!

3 months ago

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