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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Russell Sage College: Programs to look out for?

Hey! I've recently come across Russell Sage College and I'm intrigued. Can anyone on here tell me what they're known for? Like, are there any standout majors or programs that they offer?

3 months ago

Hello! Russell Sage College is known for its strong programs in health sciences, education, and the arts. They have a well-regarded nursing program, offering both BSN and MSN options, as well as a variety of other health-related majors, like Health Sciences and Public Health.

In the education field, Russell Sage offers programs such as Childhood Education and Educational Studies, attracting students who are passionate about teaching and learning. Additionally, the college provides an Opportunity Program, which is geared toward providing financial, academic, and social support to educationally and economically disadvantaged students.

For students interested in the arts, the college offers programs in Visual Arts, Theater, and Creative Arts in Therapy. These programs provide students with the opportunity to explore their creative side while also learning practical skills in their respective fields. The Theater Institute at Sage is a notable feature of their arts program, combining classroom instruction with hands-on experience in a professional theater environment.

In recent years, Russell Sage College has been working towards expanding their programs in other fields, like legal studies and psychology. Be sure to check their website for up-to-date information on all the programs they offer. Overall, the college provides a liberal arts education with a focus on preparing students for professional careers in a close-knit, supportive environment. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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