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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is Fudan University known for?

Hello! I've been doing some research about international universities and Fudan University has come up. Can anyone let me know what Fudan University is best known for, like its programs or campus atmosphere?

3 months ago

Fudan University, located in Shanghai, China, is one of the most prestigious universities in the country. It is particularly well known for its strong programs in a variety of subjects including social sciences, natural sciences, humanities, and engineering.

Some of its top programs include Economics, International Relations, Philosophy, Physics, and Chemistry. In addition, Fudan University has a thriving and active research community, which contributes significantly to its stellar reputation.

As for campus atmosphere, Fudan University boasts a vibrant campus life with a diverse student population. Many international students choose to study here because of the University's global outlook and commitment to internationalization.

There is a wide range of clubs, organizations, and events that cater to different student interests, creating a dynamic and enriching environment. The school encourages students to get involved in various extracurricular activities to foster personal development, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Overall, Fudan University is well known for its academic excellence and rigorous programs, as well as its diverse and engaging campus life. Studying at Fudan can provide you with a solid foundation for your future career, particularly if you are interested in pursuing a field related to the University's strengths.

3 months ago

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