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Best colleges for ornithology?

Hey guys! I'm super passionate about birds and want to study ornithology in college. Do you know colleges with strong programs or research opportunities in this field?

3 months ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're passionate about ornithology and plan to pursue it in college. There are several colleges and universities known for their strong ornithology programs or research opportunities. Here are a few you may want to consider:

1. Cornell University: Cornell's Lab of Ornithology is world-renowned, and they offer undergraduate programs in Animal Science, Environmental and Sustainability Sciences, and Biology with a focus on birds. They also provide ample research opportunities and access to cutting-edge resources in the field.

2. University of California, Davis: UC Davis has a strong Animal Science program, and their Avian Sciences major allows you to focus on ornithology. There are also research opportunities in ecology, behavior, and conservation through their Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology.

3. University of Florida: The Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at UF offers a robust Wildlife Ecology and Conservation major, where you can choose an ornithology focus. They have the Ordway-Swisher Biological Station, which offers extensive research opportunities and hosts a bird banding station.

4. Humboldt State University: This California-based college offers a major in Wildlife through their Department of Wildlife. They have the Wildlife and Fisheries Biology Program, which includes courses in ornithology and avian biology. There are also research opportunities in field techniques, conservation, and management of bird species.

5. Kansas State University: KSU's Division of Biology offers an Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology major with courses in ornithology and avian ecology. The university also provides research opportunities through the Konza Prairie Biological Station and the Kansas Ornithological Society.

Remember, it's important to ensure that the overall campus environment, location, and other major-specific offerings align with your interests and goals, in addition to the strength of their ornithology program. Make sure to explore each school's website and student experiences to help you find the college that best fits your needs. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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