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Which colleges accept CLEP credits?

I've taken a few CLEP exams and I want to make sure that the colleges I apply to will accept these credits. Does anyone know the process for finding out if a college accepts CLEP credits, or a list of colleges that are known to accept them? Thanks!

3 months ago

To find out whether a college accepts CLEP credits, the best approach is to check each college's website individually. Most colleges have a specific page for Transfer Credit Policies, AP/CLEP/Dual Enrollment credits, or something similar. This information can usually be found under the Admissions or Registrar sections of a college's website. You can also directly search for the college's name along with "CLEP credit policy" or "CLEP transfer" using a search engine.

While many colleges accept CLEP credits, acceptance policies and the number of credits awarded can vary widely between institutions. Some colleges may have a list of specific CLEP exams that they accept, along with the minimum scores required to receive credit. Others might have a more general policy regarding CLEP exams.

As an alternative to searching each college's website, you can refer to the College Board's CLEP site (clep.collegeboard.org) for a database of colleges and their CLEP policies. This can provide you with a starting point, but as always, double-check with the colleges themselves to ensure that the policy remains current and accurate.

Finally, it's a good idea to reach out to college admissions representatives to ask about their CLEP policies, as they can provide further guidance and clarify any questions you may have. Remember, the more informed you are about each institution's credit policies, the better you can plan your college journey. Good luck!

3 months ago

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