What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How can I stop getting spam emails from colleges?

Hey guys, I've been bombarded with college emails, and it's really overwhelming. Is there an easy way to stop or filter them out so I can focus on schools I'm actually interested in?

2 months ago

Hey there! I understand how overwhelming it can be to receive a barrage of college emails, so let's work on filtering them out. The easiest way to stop receiving many of these emails is to unsubscribe individually. Most college emails include an "unsubscribe" link or button, usually near the bottom of the email. Click this and follow the instructions to unsubscribe from that particular school's mailing list. Note that you may need to do this multiple times for multiple schools.

Another option is to set up a separate email account dedicated to college-related content. This can help you keep your main inbox clutter-free while still maintaining access to potentially useful information and resources. If you've already received plenty of college-related emails in your current account, consider setting up filters to automatically direct those emails to a specific folder, helping you compartmentalize them in your inbox.

Finally, if you want to prevent future college-related emails, you can adjust the settings in your College Board account or ACT account, where you may have opted into their student search services. Log into your account, find the section related to student searches or privacy settings, and deselect that option if you wish to no longer receive promotional emails from colleges.

Remember, it is still important to stay in touch with colleges you're genuinely interested in and to be aware of any updates, deadlines, or opportunities they might offer. Make sure not to miss out on crucial information by keeping track of your email subscriptions. Good luck!

2 months ago

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