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SAT: 720 math
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What classes do I need to take in college?

I'm curious about what classes I'm required to take in college. I know that it depends on your major, but are there any general education requirements or specific classes that most students have to take? Thanks for any help you can provide!

3 months ago

In college, the classes you need to take will depend on three main factors: your major, general education requirements, and electives. As you mentioned, your major plays a significant role in determining which courses you need to complete for your degree. Each major has a set of required core courses, and some majors may also have concentration or specialization options that dictate additional courses.

General education requirements vary by college, but they typically aim to provide students with a well-rounded education across different disciplines. These requirements often cover a diverse range of subjects, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics. Some colleges have broader general education requirements, while others have more specific categories or allow students to choose from a list of approved courses to fulfill these requirements. The purpose of general education requirements is to expose students to various disciplines and cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Electives are courses you choose based on your personal interests or to fulfill prerequisites for advanced classes in your major. They provide an opportunity for you to explore different subjects, learn new skills, or dive deeper into your major. Adding a minor or double major is also another way to make use of elective credits.

In summary, the classes you need to take in college will be specific to your major, the general education requirements of the institution, and any electives you choose. It's essential to plan your course schedule in collaboration with your academic adviser to ensure you meet all requirements for graduation. Additionally, don't be afraid to explore courses outside your major, as college often provides a fantastic opportunity to learn about new and exciting subjects.

3 months ago

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