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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Harvard College vs. Harvard University?

Hey guys! I'm a bit confused about the difference between Harvard College and Harvard University. Can someone clarify what sets them apart and which one I should be applying to as an undergraduate?

3 months ago

Hello! The distinction between Harvard College and Harvard University can be a bit confusing, but I'm happy to help clarify. Harvard University is the overarching institution that includes all of Harvard's schools, both undergraduate and graduate. Harvard College, on the other hand, is the undergraduate part of the university. It is where undergraduate students earn their Bachelor's degrees in various fields of study.

As an undergraduate applicant, you should be applying to Harvard College. When you submit your application, you will be applying for admission into the college's undergraduate programs, selecting a major or concentration based on your interests. Once you're admitted and enrolled in Harvard College, you will be part of Harvard University as a whole, along with the graduate and professional schools.

Good luck with your application, and I hope this clears up any confusion!

3 months ago

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