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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What does 'sophomore' mean in terms of college years?

Hey guys, I keep hearing the term 'sophomore' used for college students but I'm a bit confused. Can anyone clarify what that means? Is it related to the year they're in at college or something else?

3 months ago

Hello! Yes, you're correct that 'sophomore' is related to the year a student is in college. College years are often referred to by class designations rather than numerical years, and 'sophomore' is used to describe a student in their second year of college. Here's a quick breakdown of the class designations for all four years of college:

1. Freshman: First-year students

2. Sophomore: Second-year students

3. Junior: Third-year students

4. Senior: Fourth-year students

These terms are widely used in the United States to describe college students in their respective years, and knowing these labels can help you better navigate the college environment.

3 months ago

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