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Top colleges for mental health counseling?

Hey, I'm really passionate about mental health and I want to possibly pursue a career in counseling. Can anyone recommend some of the best colleges in the US known for their mental health counseling programs? Any personal experiences or advice is welcome!

3 months ago

While most mental health counseling programs are offered at the graduate level (master's or doctorate), there are undergraduate programs that provide a strong foundation for a career in mental health counseling. Some top colleges for counseling and psychology, which would be excellent places to start your journey, include:

1. Stanford University: Known for its psychology program, Stanford has a strong focus on research and would provide great exposure to the field. Its proximity to Silicon Valley also offers opportunities to collaborate with tech companies involved in the mental health space.

2. Harvard University: With a well-regarded Psychology program and a dedicated Center for Mental Health Services & Research, Harvard can be an excellent place to start.

3. Yale University: Yale has a highly respected Psychology program and has been making strides in mental health-related initiatives through their Mental Health & Counseling department.

4. University of Pennsylvania: UPenn has a top psychology program and is also home to the Positive Psychology Center, which focuses on the study of human flourishing and well-being.

5. University of Michigan: The University of Michigan offers strong psychology programs and has the Mary A. Rackham Institute, where students can gain experience providing mental health services under supervision.

6. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): Known for its prominent psychology department, UCLA offers excellent opportunities for research, internships, and fieldwork in mental health.

As an undergraduate interested in mental health counseling, it is important to look for schools with strong psychology programs and opportunities for research, internships, and volunteering in the field. Additionally, consider double majoring or minoring in a related field (such as sociology or public health) to broaden your knowledge.

Ultimately, the best school for you will depend on factors such as location, size, campus culture, and financial aid. Visit schools you're interested in and talk to current students or professors to get a feel for whether the college would be a good fit for you. Remember that you'll need to pursue a graduate degree in counseling to become a licensed mental health counselor, so it's important to plan ahead and prepare for that path during your undergraduate studies. Good luck on your journey!

3 months ago

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