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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How legitimate is AMDA?

Hey guys, I recently came across the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) and was curious about its legitimacy as a college. Is AMDA a real college that offers a quality education in the arts?

2 months ago

AMDA (The American Musical and Dramatic Academy) is indeed a legitimate institution that offers both two-year conservatory programs and Bachelor of Fine Arts degree programs for students interested in the performing arts. With locations in both New York City and Los Angeles, AMDA provides a range of courses in acting, musical theater, dance, and film and television. The college is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST), which is a recognized accrediting agency for arts programs.

Although AMDA is reputable, it's essential to consider the type of education and experience you're seeking before deciding whether it's the right fit for you. The programs at AMDA are highly focused on performance training, with less emphasis on general education or broader liberal arts courses. If you're interested in an education that centers around the performing arts and offers ample opportunities to gain hands-on, practical experience, AMDA could be a great choice.

However, it's also important to consider other schools with strong performing arts programs that might suit your needs better. Institutions like Julliard, Tisch School of the Arts (NYU), Carnegie Mellon University, and various other colleges and universities have reputable programs with diverse curriculum options. Comparing the course offerings, faculty, extracurricular activities, and alumni success of each program can help you determine which college will best support your goals.

Doing thorough research on AMDA's programs, speaking to current students or alumni, and visiting the campus if possible can give you a better understanding of the college and its atmosphere. Ultimately, the legitimacy of AMDA as an institution depends on the specific program you're interested in attending and how well it aligns with your academic and professional aspirations in the arts.

2 months ago

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