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Harvard College vs. Harvard University: What's the deal?

I've come across 'Harvard College' and 'Harvard University' being mentioned separately, and I'm a bit confused. What's the difference between the two? Are there different admissions processes or experiences for both?

2 months ago

The distinction between Harvard College and Harvard University mainly lies in their organizational structures and purposes. Harvard University is the overarching institution that comprises all undergraduate and graduate schools, divisions, and programs, while Harvard College specifically refers to the undergraduate division of the university, offering bachelor's degrees in various fields.

The confusion often arises because some people use both terms interchangeably, but they are technically different. Harvard College is one of the main components of Harvard University, with other schools like Harvard Law School, Harvard Business School, and Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences being separate entities under the umbrella of the university.

In terms of the admissions processes, they indeed differ between Harvard College and the graduate schools within Harvard University. When you apply for undergraduate studies, you apply to Harvard College, following its specific admissions process. This process is separate from, say, applying to one of the graduate programs at Harvard University, which would have its own admissions process.

As an undergraduate at Harvard College, your experience will revolve around a liberal arts and science education, on-campus dorm life, and a tight-knit community. You'll be part of a residential house system, have access to exclusive academic resources, and be involved in various extracurricular activities tailored to undergraduates. The graduate schools under Harvard University have their unique experiences, resources, and communities, often geared towards the professional and academic development of students within their specific fields.

In short, the distinction between Harvard College and Harvard University lies in the fact that Harvard College refers specifically to the undergraduate education division, whereas Harvard University is the larger institution encompassing all the undergraduate and graduate schools, divisions, and programs.

2 months ago

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