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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Duke Pre-med info?

Hey everyone, I'm seriously considering Duke as one of my top choices for college, and I'd like to pursue the pre-med track. Can anyone give me more information about the pre-med program at Duke and its reputation?

2 months ago

Hey! Duke is a great choice for pre-med students, as it's well-known for its strong life sciences programs and pre-professional preparation. The university has a solid pre-med track and a good track record of helping students get into medical school. Here are some aspects of Duke's pre-med program you might find interesting:

1. Coursework: Pre-med students at Duke typically major in a life science program such as biology or neuroscience, but you can major in any field of study as long as you complete the required pre-med courses. These usually include general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, biology, physics, and some math courses, among others.

2. Research opportunities: Duke provides ample research opportunities for pre-med students, both in biomedical sciences and in other areas. These experiences not only bolster your med school application but also help you develop critical thinking and analytical skills.

3. Advising: The pre-med advisory committee at Duke offers comprehensive support to help you navigate the requirements, application process, and preparation for medical school. They can assist with course selection, research and internship opportunities, and MCAT preparation.

4. Health professions advising: Duke's Health Professions Advising Office provides students with resources and guidance needed to pursue careers in health-related fields. They offer workshops, panel discussions, and one-on-one counseling to help you succeed on your pre-med journey.

5. MCAT preparation: Duke offers several resources to help you prepare for the MCAT. For example, you can access free MCAT review sessions sponsored by the Health Professions Advising Office. Students can also join a MCAT study group or take advantage of other resources on campus.

6. Medical school acceptances: Duke has a strong track record of sending students to top medical schools, with a higher acceptance rate compared to the national average. Students from Duke have been accepted into prestigious medical programs at institutions like Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, and more.

Overall, Duke offers an excellent pre-med program with a rigorous curriculum, strong advising, and a wealth of opportunities in research and internships. Going through Duke's pre-med track will not only prepare you academically but also shape you into a competitive applicant for medical school. Best of luck in your college search!

2 months ago

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