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Best schools in Texas for pre-med?

Hey y'all! I'm a junior in high school and I've been thinking about pre-med and want to stay in Texas if possible. I'd like some advice on which schools in Texas are considered top for pre-med?

2 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're considering pursuing a pre-med track in Texas. There are several excellent schools in Texas that can provide a strong foundation for future medical school applications. Here are a few top options to consider:

1. Rice University: Rice is a prestigious institution with rigorous academics and research opportunities. They have a robust pre-med program and several students go on to attend medical school. The Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program offers a select group of students guaranteed acceptance into Baylor College of Medicine after successful completion of their undergraduate degrees. If you haven't heard of BS/MD programs before, you can read more about their pros and cons on CollegeVine's blog: https://blog.collegevine.com/pros-and-cons-of-a-bsmd-program.

2. University of Texas at Austin: UT Austin is another reputable school with outstanding pre-med programs and research facilities. A well-rounded curriculum and access to research opportunities at the Dell Medical School make UT Austin an excellent choice for pre-med students.

3. Baylor University: Baylor is known for its strong pre-med support systems, including advising, research opportunities, and MCAT preparation. Students can benefit from their Medical Humanities major or participate in the Baylor2 Medical Track program, which provides a direct path to Baylor College of Medicine after Baylor undergraduate studies.

4. Texas A&M University: Texas A&M offers a solid pre-med curriculum through their College of Science. They also have a partnership with their Health Science Center for research and clinical experience, as well as a joint MD/PhD program with Baylor College of Medicine, which could be an intriguing option for you to explore for your postgraduate studies.

5. Trinity University: Trinity is a small liberal arts university with a strong pre-med track. Students receive personalized advising while benefiting from small classes and abundant research opportunities.

6. Southern Methodist University: SMU has a dedicated pre-health program, and offers personalized advising, research opportunities, and a supportive pre-med community.

Remember, finding the best fit for your academic, extracurricular, and personal interests is crucial, so visit campuses, explore the programs, and consider each school's resources and opportunities to determine the best environment for your success. Good luck!

2 months ago

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