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UW Madison pre-med requirements?

Hi everyone! I'm looking into UW Madison's pre-med program and wanted to know more about their requirements and what kind of coursework I should expect if I choose to attend. Can anyone provide some insight into this program? Thanks a lot!

2 months ago

Hello! The University of Wisconsin-Madison doesn't have a specific pre-med major, but rather offers a pre-health advising program that helps support students on the pre-med track. To meet the typical pre-med requirements, you'll need to complete courses in these subject areas:

1. Biology: You should take two semesters of general biology with labs, with coursework covering cellular and molecular biology, genetics, and physiology.

2. Chemistry: You'll need two semesters of general chemistry with labs and two semesters of organic chemistry with labs. Some schools may also require a semester or two of biochemistry.

3. Physics: Two semesters of physics with labs, covering concepts such as mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and optics.

4. Mathematics: Generally, calculus and/or statistics courses are recommended for pre-med students. The requirements may vary by medical school.

5. Social Sciences: Most medical schools require or highly recommend courses in psychology and sociology.

6. English: Two semesters of college-level English or writing courses, focusing on critical analysis and communication skills.

In addition to these core course requirements, you should also consider taking courses in genetics, microbiology, immunology, and other advanced sciences, as they can help with MCAT preparation and provide a strong foundation for medical school. It's crucial to maintain a competitive GPA throughout your undergraduate studies.

Moreover, getting involved in extracurricular activities like research, clinical experience, volunteer work, and leadership experiences can help boost your chances of getting into medical school.

Remember, each medical school has its own specific set of requirements. Make sure to research and consult with UW-Madison's pre-health advising program and the admissions requirements of medical schools you're interested in. Good luck on your journey to becoming a physician!

2 months ago

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