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UC Irvine Admissions Requirements?

What are the main admissions requirements for UC Irvine? Looking for some advice on how to make my application stronger. Thanks!

2 months ago

UC Irvine, like other UC schools, has specific admissions requirements that you'll need to fulfill to be considered for admission. Here are the main components of the application:

1. A-G course requirements: You should have completed at least 15 college-preparatory courses (each course should be a year long) with a grade of C or better. This includes 4 years of English, 3 years of math, 2 years of history/social science, 2 years of lab science, 2 years of a language other than English, 1 year of visual or performing arts, and 1 year of a college-preparatory elective.

2. GPA: UC Irvine, like other UCs, will calculate your weighted and unweighted UC GPA based on your A-G courses taken during your sophomore and junior years. While there's no minimum GPA requirement, the average GPA for admitted students tends to be around 4.0 weighted and 3.89 unweighted.

3. Extracurricular activities: UC Irvine values students who are active outside of the classroom. Having a strong set of extracurricular activities that demonstrate leadership, commitment, and passion will boost your application.

4. Personal Insight Questions: You'll need to respond to four out of eight Personal Insight Questions (PIQs), with a maximum of 350 words each. The PIQs allow you to showcase your personality, experiences, and accomplishments that are not evident in other parts of your application. Make sure to choose questions that allow you to highlight a variety of aspects about yourself.

5. SAT/ACT Scores: As of now, UC schools are test-blind and do not consider standardized test scores in the admissions process.

To make your application stronger, focus on the following:

- Maintaining a strong GPA while taking a rigorous course load

- Developing a "spike" or area of specialization in your extracurricular activities, demonstrating exceptional achievement in your chosen field

- Securing strong letters of recommendation (not officially required for UC schools but may be requested in some cases)

- Crafting compelling Personal Insight Questions that reveal your personality, values, and experiences beyond what's evident in other parts of your application

Additionally, reach out to current UC Irvine students or alumni to gain more insight into the school's culture and expectations. With a well-rounded application that demonstrates academic achievement, sustained involvement in extracurricular activities, and thoughtful PIQ responses, you'll be in a strong position for admissions at UC Irvine. Good luck!

2 months ago

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