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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What can I do with an Associate of Science degree?

Hey everyone, just a little curious here: what kind of careers can you pursue with an Associate of Science degree? I'm really not sure what I want to do after high school, and I'm considering community college. Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

An Associate of Science (AS) degree can serve as a solid foundation for various careers or as a stepping stone to further education, such as pursuing a Bachelor's degree. Here are a few examples of careers that you can pursue with an AS degree:

1. Healthcare careers: Many healthcare professions, such as dental hygienists, occupational therapy assistants, and physical therapy assistants, require an Associate of Science degree as a minimum qualification.

2. Technical careers: Technical or applied science fields like computer programming, web development, and engineering technology can be pursued with an Associate of Science degree, and you may be able to secure entry-level positions in these industries upon graduation.

3. Environmental science: Careers in environmental science, like environmental engineering technician or environmental conservation worker, may be possible with an Associate of Science degree in a relevant field of study.

4. Science-related careers: Jobs like biology laboratory technician or geoscience technician can be pursued if you have an AS degree in a related science field, such as biology or geology.

Remember that the job opportunities will depend on the specific area of study within your Associate of Science degree program. It's essential to research and choose a program that aligns well with your long-term career goals.

Additionally, many students use their AS degree as a stepping stone to transfer to a four-year college and earn a Bachelor's degree. This path can open up even more career options and increase your earning potential. Community colleges often have transfer agreements with four-year institutions, which can help to simplify the transfer process and ensure your credits are accepted.

Whatever you choose to pursue, make sure to explore various career options and do your research on what specific degrees and certifications may be required in your field of interest. Good luck!

2 months ago

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