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What is rush week in college?

I've heard the term 'rush week' being mentioned a lot when it comes to college. Can anyone explain what it is and what happens during that week? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

Rush week, also known as recruitment week, is a period at the beginning of each semester in college, where fraternities and sororities host various events to attract and get to know potential new members (PNMs). These organizations are part of the Greek life system found on many U.S. college campuses, and they focus on fostering fellowship, leadership, networking, and community engagement among members.

During rush week, each chapter organizes a series of social events, mixers, and informational sessions to showcase their group values, achievements, and community presence. This week allows potential members to explore different fraternities and sororities to find the one that best aligns with their interests and personalities.

For fraternities, recruitment is often less formal than sororities and can include events like barbecues, game nights, meet-and-greets, and campus tours. Sororities, on the other hand, usually follow a more structured recruitment process with multiple rounds. These rounds may involve events such as philanthropic activities, sisterhood bonding, and small group discussions, with each round becoming more selective as PNMs are invited back or not.

At the end of rush week, if a PNM is successfully invited to join, they receive a bid (an invitation for membership) from a fraternity or sorority. If they accept the bid, they then begin a new member period, often referred to as the "pledging" or "associate" phase, where they learn more about the organization's history, participate in bonding activities, and meet all of the active members before being fully initiated into the group.

Keep in mind that Greek life isn't for everyone, and college offers a variety of other options for making connections and getting involved. Activities such as clubs, sports teams, and volunteering opportunities can provide similar chances to develop friendships, network, and contribute to the community. It's essential to explore various opportunities to find the ones that suit you best.

2 months ago

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