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What's an Associate of Arts degree?

Hi everyone! I've come across the term 'Associate of Arts' while researching colleges, but I'm not really sure what it means. Can someone explain to me what an Associate of Arts degree is and how it differs from other degrees? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

Hello! An Associate of Arts (AA) degree is a two-year undergraduate degree typically offered by community colleges, technical schools, or some universities. It focuses on general education courses in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. An AA degree is designed to be a stepping stone to a Bachelor's degree, as the credits earned can often be transferred to a four-year college or university.

The Associate of Arts degree differs from other degrees in a few ways:

1. Duration: AA degrees usually take around two years to complete, while Bachelor's degrees typically take four years. This shorter duration makes AA degrees more cost-effective and allows students to enter the workforce earlier if they choose not to pursue further education.

2. Curriculum: Unlike Bachelor's degree programs, which require students to select a major and focus on a specific field of study, the AA degree is more general in nature. It consists of a wide range of courses covering various topics in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The goal is to provide a broad educational foundation that can be applied to various career paths or built upon in a Bachelor's degree program.

3. Transferability: Many AA degree programs are designed to be transferable to four-year universities, allowing students to complete their general education requirements at a lower cost before transferring to a more expensive university to complete their major-specific coursework. It's essential to research transfer agreements between schools to ensure that the credits earned with an AA degree will be recognized by the target four-year institution.

4. Types of Institutions: Associate of Arts degrees are typically offered by community colleges and technical schools, while other degrees like Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate degrees are more commonly found at universities.

Overall, the Associate of Arts degree is an accessible and affordable option for students who want to build a strong foundation in arts, humanities, and social sciences before specializing in a particular field or transferring to a four-year institution.

2 months ago

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