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Which Ivy League schools are the hardest to get into?

Hey, I'm starting my college search and I'm curious about the Ivy Leagues. From your experience or knowledge, which ones are considered the most difficult to gain admission to?

a month ago

The Ivy League schools are all quite competitive when it comes to admissions, but some are considered slightly more difficult to get into than others, mainly due to their lower acceptance rates and higher selectivity. Generally, the most competitive Ivy League institutions are:

1. Harvard University: Harvard consistently remains at the top when it comes to selectivity, with acceptance rates frequently in the 3-4% range. Known for its academic prestige, rigorous curriculum, and extensive alumni network, it's particularly sought after by applicants.

2. Yale University: Yale is another incredibly competitive Ivy, with acceptance rates hovering around 5%. Yale is renowned for its strong humanities programs, vibrant residential college system, and commitment to undergraduate teaching.

3. Princeton University: Princeton follows closely behind, with acceptance rates often falling between 4-5%. Princeton, well-regarded for its focus on undergraduate education and strong programs in the sciences and engineering, maintains its high selectivity.

4. Columbia University: Columbia's acceptance rates are typically in the 3-4% range as well. Located in New York City, Columbia is recognized for its Core Curriculum and excellent programs across various disciplines.

5. University of Pennsylvania: UPenn has slightly higher acceptance rates compared to the above institutions, usually between 5-6%. UPenn is distinguished for its undergraduate business program (Wharton) and strong STEM offerings.

It's important to note that all Ivy League schools are highly competitive and have rigorous admissions standards. While these rankings provide a general idea of their selectivity, keep in mind that applicants are evaluated holistically. Therefore, it's crucial to consider more than just acceptance rates when researching colleges and evaluating your personal fit with each institution.

a month ago

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