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Associate's degree in arts: what can I do with it?

I've been considering getting an associate's degree in arts at a local community college before transferring to a 4-year college. Can someone tell me what kind of career opportunities I can expect with an AA in Arts? Are there any popular career paths that are more accessible with this particular degree? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

An associate's degree in arts (AA) provides a solid foundation in general education with a focus on creative disciplines such as fine arts, literature, and visual communication. While an AA degree on its own may not lead to high-paying job opportunities, it often serves as a stepping stone to further education or work in the field. Here are some career paths that may be available after obtaining an associate's degree in arts:

1. Graphic Designer: While many graphic design positions require a bachelor's degree, those with an AA in Arts and a strong portfolio can find entry-level positions. Designers work on visuals for branding, marketing, and digital media across various industries.

2. Photographer: With a background in fine arts, you may pursue a career as a photographer. This can involve working with clients, capturing events like weddings, or working in commercial or editorial photography.

3. Illustrator: Combining artistic talent and AA coursework, illustrators create images for books, magazines, and advertising, often as freelancers.

4. Art Sales and Gallery Assistant: An AA in Arts can lead to a position in art sales, such as working at a gallery or auction house, where you assist with the curation, display, and sale of artwork.

5. Art Teacher: Depending on your state's requirements, you may be able to teach art at the K-12 level with an AA in Arts, often requiring additional certifications or credentials.

6. Arts Administration: Opportunities in arts nonprofits, museums, or community organizations may suit those who prefer working behind-the-scenes in the arts world.

Keep in mind that an AA in Arts is a versatile degree, often intended for students who plan to transfer to a 4-year college and earn a bachelor's degree, which will open up even more job prospects in various art-related fields. Upon transferring, you can specialize in a specific major like graphic design, illustration, animation, or art history, which will provide you with more focused skills that employers value.

In conclusion, while an associate's degree in arts may not grant immediate access to a high-paying career, it can pave the way for further education and a diverse range of opportunities within the creative industry.

2 months ago

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