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Harvard Admissions Interview Tips

Hi everyone, I just got an email about scheduling my Harvard admissions interview. Can anyone who's been through the process give me some tips or advice on what to expect during the interview and how to best prepare? Thanks!

2 months ago

Congratulations on getting a Harvard admissions interview! That's a great opportunity to make a strong impression and showcase your personality. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your interview:

1. Research the University: Take some time to learn more about Harvard, its programs, campus life, and any unique offerings or opportunities that particularly interest you. This will not only demonstrate your genuine interest in the school but also prepare you to ask thoughtful questions during your interview.

2. Review your application: Familiarize yourself with your own application materials, especially your resume and essays. Be prepared to discuss your accomplishments, experiences, and what you've learned from them. Think about how these experiences have shaped you as a person and connect them to your aspirations for the future, as well as how attending Harvard will help you achieve them.

3. Practice common interview questions: Some commonly asked questions during college interviews include:

- Why do you want to attend Harvard?

- Tell me about a challenge you've faced and how you overcame it.

- What extracurricular activities are you involved in, and why are they important to you?

- What is a recent book, article, or movie you particularly enjoyed and why?

- How do you envision your college experience, and how do you think Harvard will fit into that vision?

4. Prepare thoughtful questions to ask: The interview is also an opportunity for you to learn more about Harvard. Prepare a list of questions to ask your interviewer about their experiences at the school, the campus culture, and any resources or opportunities you're interested in. This shows your genuine interest and curiosity in the school.

5. Dress appropriately: First impressions matter. While interviews are often conducted in a casual setting, you should still dress professionally. Smart casual attire is a safe choice.

6. Be yourself: Interviewers want to get to know the real you—not a scripted or overly polished version of yourself. Be genuine and honest in your responses, and showcase your personality. Remember to be enthusiastic, confident, and maintain good eye contact with your interviewer.

7. Practice active listening: Listen carefully to your interviewer's questions and anecdotal remarks. Respond thoughtfully, and feel free to pause for a moment before answering if you need to collect your thoughts.

8. Send a thank-you email: Within a day or two after your interview, send a brief thank-you email to your interviewer, expressing your appreciation for their time and insights. You can also briefly reiterate your interest in Harvard and how your conversation with them reinforced that.

Best of luck with your interview! Remember to stay relaxed, enjoy the conversation, and showcase the unique aspects of who you are.

2 months ago

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