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Associate of Science Degree: What Can You Do With It?

Hey! I've been looking into different types of degrees, and one that caught my eye was the Associate of Science degree. Can anyone tell me what job prospects I can expect if I pursue this path? Thanks in advance!

a month ago

Hey there! An Associate of Science (AS) degree can open up various job opportunities depending on your field of study and your interests. It generally takes two years to complete and provides foundational knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Here are some popular career paths that an AS degree can help you pursue:

1. Healthcare: Many respected careers in healthcare including nursing, dental hygiene, and medical laboratory technician can begin with an AS degree. These roles often require additional certifications or licenses, but the AS degree lays a solid foundation for further training.

2. Computer and Information Technology: With an AS degree focusing on computer science, information technology, or programming, you can secure positions such as computer support specialist, network technician, or web developer. These roles may also require additional certificates or industry experience before finding a job.

3. Engineering Technology: Engineering technicians can find jobs in various industries, including civil, mechanical, electrical, and environmental engineering. An AS degree in engineering technology can help you land positions as a technician or assistant engineer.

4. Physical Sciences: An AS degree in physical sciences can lead to positions as laboratory assistants, research technicians, or field analysts in areas like geology, chemistry, or environmental science. These roles may require additional specialized training depending on the industry.

5. Agricultural and Life Sciences: With an AS in agriculture or life sciences, you can work as a veterinary technician, horticulture technician, or agricultural manager, among other roles.

Keep in mind that while an AS degree can lead to entry-level positions, pursuing further education can significantly enhance your job prospects and earning potential. Many students use AS degrees to transfer into a Bachelor of Science (BS) program at a four-year college, which can open up more advanced and higher-paying positions.

Ultimately, the job prospects for an AS degree will vary based on your field of study and any additional certifications or training you obtain. It's essential to research your intended industry to ensure that an AS degree will help you achieve your career goals. Good luck!

a month ago

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