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Associate's in Applied Science: What can I do with this degree?

I'm considering getting an Associate's in Applied Science, but I'm not sure what career options are available with this degree. Can anyone let me know what job opportunities I could expect after completing this program?

2 months ago

An Associate's in Applied Science (AAS) degree is a versatile degree that can lead to various career options depending on the specific field of study and specialization you choose. While it's a bit difficult to provide an exhaustive list of job opportunities without knowing your area of interest, I can offer some general examples of career paths that graduates with AAS degrees often pursue.

1. Healthcare: Many AAS degree programs focus on healthcare fields, such as Medical Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Radiologic Technology, and Physical Therapist Assistant. These careers usually involve working directly with patients, performing diagnostic tests, or providing treatment under the supervision of medical professionals.

2. Information Technology: With an AAS degree in a technology-related field, you could work as an IT Support Specialist, Network Administrator, or Computer Technician. These roles typically involve maintaining computer systems, troubleshooting network issues, and providing technical assistance to users.

3. Skilled Trades: AAS programs in the skilled trades can lead to careers in automotive technology, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), electrical technology, or welding, among others. These professions typically entail working hands-on with equipment and machinery, installing new systems or repairing existing ones.

4. Business: An AAS degree in business administration or a related field can prepare you for entry-level administrative roles, such as office manager, administrative assistant, or customer service representative. These positions usually involve supporting daily operations within businesses and organizations.

5. Graphic Design: With an AAS in graphic design, you could work as a graphic designer, creating visual concepts for marketing materials, websites, or products. This field often involves collaborating with clients and internal teams to produce creative and effective designs.

This list is just a starting point, as there are many other fields in which you could apply your AAS degree. Keep in mind that some careers may require additional certifications or training beyond your degree. As you explore AAS programs, be sure to research the specific job market and potential growth opportunities in your chosen field to ensure that it aligns with your long-term goals.

2 months ago

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