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BYU-Idaho Nursing Program: What should I know?

Hello! I've been researching nursing programs and I came across the one at BYU-Idaho. Can anyone share their experiences or insights? What are the clinicals like, and how well-prepared do students feel for their careers after graduation?

a month ago

Hello! I think it's great that you're considering the nursing program at BYU-Idaho. While I can't provide personal experiences, I can give you some general information about the program and what students have said.

The BYU-Idaho nursing program offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, which is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Many students appreciate the program's affordability and the strong support system offered by faculty and staff.

Clinicals are an essential part of nursing education, and BYU-Idaho nursing students get to participate in a variety of diverse clinical experiences. These include rotations in medical-surgical nursing, obstetrics, pediatrics, mental health, and community health settings. Students have mentioned that they feel well-prepared for clinical practice and have ample opportunities to apply classroom learning to real-world situations.

Additionally, the program emphasizes spiritual care as this is a unique aspect of BYU-Idaho's approach to nursing education. Students learn the importance of integrating faith and personal values into patient care to provide holistic, compassionate healthcare.

Upon graduation, many nursing alumni report feeling well-prepared to enter the workforce. The program boasts a high NCLEX-RN pass rate, which speaks to the quality of education students receive. Furthermore, the university's Career Services department provides support in finding job opportunities, networking, and preparing for interviews.

Lastly, BYU-Idaho has a strong, active nursing student association (NSA) which provides various extra-curricular opportunities and resources for students, such as community outreach events and professional development activities.

Overall, the nursing program at BYU-Idaho has built a positive reputation for preparing well-rounded, competent nursing professionals. Good luck in your decision-making process, and I hope this information helps!

a month ago

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