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Cost of Harvard Dorms?

I am applying to Harvard and wondering about the cost of living on-campus. How much do dorms usually cost per year and what's included in that cost, like meal plans and laundry facilities? Are there any financial aid options available to help with the costs? Thanks for any insights!

2 months ago

The cost of living on-campus at Harvard varies depending on the dormitory and the meal plan you choose. For the 2022-2023 academic year, the estimated cost of room and board was around $18,030 per year. This includes the cost of dormitories and a standard meal plan. Dormitories at Harvard are known for their features and history, and freshmen live around Harvard Yard.

A standard meal plan allows you access to Harvard's dining halls, which offer a variety of food options. The meal plan cost is included in the room and board fee. As for laundry facilities, they are available in most dorms, but the cost of using them is typically not included in the room and board fees. You will need to budget extra for laundry expenses.

Regarding financial aid options to help with costs, Harvard offers one of the most generous financial aid programs in the U.S. If your family's annual income is below $65,000, you can expect to receive full funding, which covers tuition, fees, room, board, and other expenses. For families with annual income between $65,000 and $150,000, you'll typically be expected to contribute a percentage of the income, ranging from 0-10%. Also, Harvard provides financial aid packages that do not include student loans; all aid is in the form of grants or scholarships, which do not need to be repaid.

I encourage you to use the Net Price Calculator on the Harvard website to estimate your financial aid package based on your family's financial situation. This will give you a better idea of the costs associated with attending Harvard, including room and board. Remember that financial aid is not guaranteed but is dependent on your family's financial information and individual circumstances.

2 months ago

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