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Woodworking Trade Schools?

I'm really passionate about woodworking and considering going to a trade school for it instead of a typical college. Are there any trade schools for woodworking that you guys recommend? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

You're making a great choice by exploring trade schools for woodworking! Trade schools can offer practical hands-on training tailored to your career goals while also being cost-effective compared to traditional colleges. Here are a few well-known woodworking trade schools across the U.S.:

1. North Bennet Street School (Boston, MA): This school offers a Full-time Cabinet & Furniture Making program, which focuses on both traditional woodworking techniques and modern approaches. The program emphasizes practical experience and projects.

2. The Chippendale International School of Furniture (Rochester, NY): This school offers an intensive, one-year woodworking course covering furniture design, cabinetmaking, veneering, carving, and finishing techniques. They also emphasize business skills and networking.

3. College of the Redwoods Fine Woodworking Program (Fort Bragg, CA): This program offers a nine-month woodworking certificate and intense, hands-on training in furniture making. The facilities are equipped with a variety of tools and machines, allowing students to work with diverse materials and techniques.

4. Seattle Central College Wood Technology Center (Seattle, WA): They offer a variety of woodworking courses, including a two-year Associate of Applied Science fast-track degree in cabinetmaking and woodworking, emphasizing both professional craftsmanship and industry knowledge.

5. Pennsylvania College of Technology (Williamsport, PA): This college has a two-year associate's degree program in Building Construction Technology, which includes carpentry and woodworking courses. Students learn skills such as framing, finishing, and cabinet making, among others.

These schools vary in program length, curriculum focus, and location, so it's essential to research each one and choose the one that best aligns with your woodworking interests and goals. Each school's website will offer more detailed information on their courses, application process, costs, and available scholarships or financial aid. Don't hesitate to contact the schools directly to ask questions or even visit their facilities for a comprehensive understanding of their offerings.

Good luck and enjoy your woodworking education journey!

2 months ago

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