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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where is Marquette University Located?

Hey everyone, I'm exploring different colleges and recently came across Marquette University. Can someone help me understand where it's located? Are there any notable attractions or things to do around the area? Is the campus urban or suburban? Thanks in advance!

a month ago

Marquette University is located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Milwaukee is a vibrant city situated on the western shore of Lake Michigan, and it is the largest city in Wisconsin. The campus of Marquette University has an urban setting, as it is integrated into the downtown area of Milwaukee.

In terms of attractions and things to do around the area, there is plenty to keep you entertained. Some popular spots include the Milwaukee Art Museum, the Harley-Davidson Museum, and the Milwaukee Public Market. The city also boasts a lively brewery scene, as well as a variety of restaurants and cafes that cater to diverse tastes.

For sports enthusiasts, you can catch a Milwaukee Bucks basketball game at the Fiserv Forum or a Milwaukee Brewers baseball game at American Family Field. There are also numerous parks and outdoor recreational opportunities along Lake Michigan, such as Bradford Beach or the Oak Leaf Trail.

Milwaukee hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year, like Summerfest, which is one of the world's largest music festivals. Being a part of the Marquette University community will provide you with ample opportunities to engage with the city's cultural offerings and vibrant urban life.

a month ago

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