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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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SDSU Business Ranking—What Can I Expect?

Hey everyone, I'm considering applying to San Diego State University for business. I'm curious, how well regarded is their business program? If anyone knows their ranking or has direct experience with the program, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thank you!

2 months ago

San Diego State University's (SDSU) Fowler College of Business has a solid reputation for its business programs. While specific rankings may fluctuate year-to-year, SDSU is generally ranked among the top 100 business schools for undergraduate programs in the United States. Their business program offers various concentrations, such as marketing, finance, management, and accounting, which can provide you with a well-rounded business education.

The faculty at SDSU's business program are experienced professionals with strong academic and industry backgrounds. Additionally, the campus's location in San Diego offers a dynamic business environment with ample networking and internship opportunities. Many SDSU business graduates have had success finding employment in their respective fields upon graduation.

Although rankings can provide some insight, it's essential to also consider factors such as class sizes, faculty engagement, experiential learning opportunities, and overall campus culture when evaluating a business program. It's a good idea to visit the campus, connect with current students or alumni, and explore their website to gather more information on their business program.

Overall, SDSU's Fowler College of Business has a good reputation, and many students have found the program to be a valuable investment in their education and future careers. Keep in mind that what's most important is finding a school that aligns with your personal academic and professional goals.

2 months ago

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