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Best film schools in New York?

Hi all! I'm a junior and I've always dreamed of going to a film school in New York. What are your thoughts on the top film schools in the area?

a month ago

Hello! New York has some fantastic options for film schools, and I'm glad you're considering the area for your studies. Here are a few top film schools in New York:

1. NYU Tisch School of the Arts: This is probably the most well known film school in New York, offering an undergraduate degree in Film and Television. The program focuses on storytelling, screenwriting, producing, directing, and digital media. NYU Tisch has a rich tradition of producing successful filmmakers and has a strong emphasis on hands-on experience.

2. Columbia University School of the Arts: Columbia offers a BA in Film & Media Studies and an MFA in Film. Their program is known for its strong emphasis on storytelling, screenwriting, and directing. The faculty is comprised of accomplished filmmakers, producers, and screenwriters who are actively working in the industry.

3. The New School's College of Performing Arts: The New School offers a BFA in Film through the School of Media Studies. They focus on a diverse range of filmmaking techniques, including documentary, narrative, and experimental film. The program encourages collaborative work among its students and offers opportunities to work on professional productions.

4. Brooklyn College's Barry R. Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema: Brooklyn College offers a BFA in Film Production and an MFA in Cinema Arts. Their modern facilities are located on the Steiner Studios lot, offering students opportunities to work and interact with professionals in the industry. The program emphasizes hands-on experience, and students often complete internships with notable companies.

5. City College of New York: The City College offers a BFA in Film & Video and an MFA in Media Arts Production with concentrations in screenwriting, directing, producing, and new media. They have a strong focus on social issues and diverse storytelling, and the program offers a more affordable option compared to some of the more prestigious institutions in New York.

I hope this helps you in your search for the best film schools in New York. Remember that the right fit is essential, so make sure to research each program, visit their campuses, and speak with current students or alumni to get a feel for the culture and opportunities at each school. Good luck!

a month ago

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