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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Trying to find UMass Lowell's location

Hello! I've been exploring various universities, and I'm curious about UMass Lowell's location. Can someone provide me with some info on where it is? Thanks a bunch!

2 months ago

Hello! UMass Lowell is located in Lowell, Massachusetts, which is in the northeastern part of the state. The city of Lowell is about 30 miles northwest of Boston, making it accessible to the Greater Boston area while still offering a unique, smaller-city experience.

Lowell has a rich history in the American Industrial Revolution and boasts several attractions, such as the Lowell National Historical Park and the American Textile History Museum. The Merrimack River runs through the city, adding scenic beauty to the campus and surrounding areas. If you're looking for outdoor activities, Lowell has numerous parks and conservation areas as well.

UMass Lowell's campus is spread across three main areas: North Campus, South Campus, and East Campus, which are connected via a shuttle service provided by the university. Each campus features a mix of academic buildings, residence halls, and recreational facilities. So, you'll have access to diverse resources and environments within the university grounds.

I hope this helps give you an idea of UMass Lowell's location! Let me know if you have any other questions.

2 months ago

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