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Associates Degree in Holistic Health

Has anyone here pursued an associate's degree in holistic health? I'm curious about what colleges offer this degree and what some typical career paths are post-graduation.

2 months ago

Absolutely, an associate's degree in holistic health can open doors to a variety of career paths.

Many community colleges and some specialized institutions offer associate's degree programs in holistic health. Although it's challenging to provide an exhaustive list of schools, some you might research include the American College of Healthcare Sciences, the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and the Everglades University.

After completing an associate's degree in holistic health, typical career paths include working as a health and wellness coach, a holistic health practitioner, or a massage therapist. These careers can be found in various settings such as wellness centers, spas, fitness centers, or your own private practice. Some graduates may also choose to continue their education by pursuing a bachelor's or master's degree in a related field, such as nutrition, counseling, or healthcare management, to give themselves more extensive career options and boost their earning potential.

To succeed in this field, it's essential to have strong communication and interpersonal skills, as holistic health professionals often work closely with clients and need to educate and guide them on their wellness journey. So, make sure whichever school you choose will allow you to develop those "soft skills" as well.

Finally, keep in mind that specific careers might have additional certification or licensing requirements depending on your location, so it's crucial to research what might be needed to practice in your area. Good luck in your pursuit of a career in holistic health!

2 months ago

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