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CSU Fresno Nursing Program

Hello all! I'm looking into the nursing program at California State University Fresno. Can anyone provide insight on the admission process, the program itself, and job prospects after graduation?

2 months ago

Sure! The nursing program at California State University Fresno (Fresno State) is a well-regarded program that offers both a traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and an RN to BSN option for students who already have their Registered Nurse license.

Admission Process: For the traditional BSN program, you first need to be admitted to Fresno State and complete pre-requisite coursework, typically during your freshman and sophomore years. These courses include anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and other general education requirements. You should maintain a competitive GPA in these courses, as Fresno State's program is quite competitive. Once you have completed the pre-requisite coursework, you can apply to the nursing program, typically during your sophomore year. The selection process is based on a multi-criteria point system that considers factors such as GPA in pre-requisite courses, overall GPA, previous healthcare experience, and TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) scores.

The Program: The traditional BSN program at Fresno State is a full-time program that spans five semesters (2.5 years) and includes both classroom instruction and clinical practice at local hospitals and healthcare facilities. The curriculum covers subjects such as pharmacology, maternity and pediatric nursing, critical care nursing, and community health nursing. The program is designed to prepare students for the NCLEX-RN exam, which is required to become a licensed Registered Nurse.

Job Prospects: Fresno State's nursing program boasts a high NCLEX-RN pass rate and strong job placement rates for graduates. The demand for nurses in the Central Valley and the state of California is expected to continue growing in the coming years, so job prospects for nursing graduates are quite positive. Additionally, the hands-on clinical experience that you gain while in the program gives you an advantage in finding a job post-graduation, as local hospitals and healthcare facilities are familiar with the program's quality. Furthermore, some students even receive job offers from the hospitals they complete clinical rotations at.

To sum it up, the nursing program at Fresno State is competitive, and you will need to focus on achieving a strong GPA, gaining healthcare experience, and performing well on the TEAS. The program offers a quality education, strong clinical experiences, and promising job prospects upon graduation. Good luck!

2 months ago

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