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Looking for good art schools in Florida

Hey y'all! I'm a junior interested in pursuing an art degree, and I really want to stay in Florida. Does anyone know what are some good art schools in Florida? Preferably ones with solid programs that can help me establish a successful career in this field.

2 months ago

Hi there! Florida has a number of solid art schools and programs that cater to students interested in pursuing an art degree. Here are a few notable options to consider:

1. Ringling College of Art and Design: Located in Sarasota, Ringling College is a renowned private college specializing in art and design. They offer undergraduate degrees in a variety of fields including illustration, graphic design, photography, film, and more. Many alumni have found success in their creative careers, whether in galleries, animation studios, or design companies.

2. University of Florida: The School of Art + Art History within the University of Florida (located in Gainesville) offers undergraduate programs in areas like studio art, art history, graphic design, and arts in medicine. The school is well-regarded for its faculty, resources, and collaborative environment.

3. Florida State University: The College of Fine Arts at FSU (based in Tallahassee) offers various undergraduate programs in studio art, graphic design, art history, and more. With access to state-of-the-art facilities, students can develop their skills and explore interdisciplinary opportunities.

4. New World School of the Arts: This college in Miami is a center for artistic excellence that provides undergraduate programs in areas such as visual arts, theater, dance, and music. With an impressive list of alumni, their supportive and diverse environment fosters creativity and prepares students for successful careers in the art world.

5. Florida International University: FIU's College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts, located in Miami, offers degree programs in various artistic disciplines such as art and art history, graphic design, and interior architecture. Students benefit from the diverse campus and opportunities to engage with the vibrant Miami art scene.

Remember to research and visit these schools to see which one aligns best with your artistic interests and goals. Best of luck with your college search and future art career!

2 months ago

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