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UNLV Hospitality Management program?

I've been thinking about pursuing a degree in Hospitality Management, and UNLV caught my attention. How competitive is the program, and is it a good school for that major? Any insights would be really appreciated!

a month ago

UNLV's William F. Harrah College of Hospitality is highly regarded for its Hospitality Management degree program. In fact, it is consistently ranked among the top hospitality programs in the world. The program's excellent reputation can be attributed to its strong industry connections, experienced and engaged faculty, and its location in the heart of Las Vegas, a global hub for the hospitality industry.

Admission to the UNLV Hospitality Management program is moderately competitive but not as selective as some of the top-tier universities. The program seeks students who have a genuine interest and passion for the hospitality industry, and you should demonstrate this through your application. To strengthen your chances of admission, focus on maintaining a solid GPA, participating in relevant extracurricular activities, and, if possible, gaining some experience in the hospitality industry.

One of the standout aspects of UNLV's program is the professional development opportunities available to students. The college is consistently expanding its relationships with hospitality companies and leaders, which can lead to valuable internships, job opportunities, and networking experiences. Additionally, the curriculum covers a wide array of hospitality-related topics, such as event planning, food and beverage management, and hotel operations, which can help you develop a well-rounded skillset.

Given its strong reputation, advantageous location, and professional development opportunities, UNLV's Hospitality Management program is an excellent choice for pursuing a career in this industry. If you're passionate about hospitality and want to learn from experienced professionals in a dynamic environment, this program could be a great fit for you.

a month ago

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