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How is Michigan State's journalism program?

Hi, I'm thinking about majoring in journalism and Michigan State University caught my eye. For anyone who's familiar with their journalism program, can you share your thoughts? What's the curriculum like? Are there opportunities for hands-on experience? Thanks for your help!

2 months ago

Michigan State University's journalism program, housed within the College of Communication Arts and Sciences, is well-regarded and offers students a solid foundation in the field. The curriculum is designed to provide a balance between theory and practice, giving students a blend of critical thinking, writing, multimedia skills, and journalistic ethics.

There are several concentrations within the journalism major, including Reporting, Visual Communication, and Sports Journalism, among others. This allows students to tailor their coursework in alignment with their career goals and interests. Additionally, MSU's journalism program places a strong emphasis on multimedia storytelling, which equips students with the technical skills needed in today's media environment.

Hands-on experience is a key component of the program. Many journalism classes incorporate real-world projects, allowing students to write articles, produce multimedia content, and report on local events. Michigan State also has multiple student-run media outlets, such as the State News (the daily student newspaper), Focal Point (a weekly TV news show), and Impact 89 FM (the college radio station), offering opportunities for students to gain practical experience and build their portfolios. Furthermore, the school provides resources for students to secure internships and connect with industry professionals.

Overall, Michigan State's journalism program offers a comprehensive curriculum and plenty of opportunities for hands-on experience, making it an excellent choice for students pursuing a career in journalism.

2 months ago

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