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Best undergraduate public health programs?

Hey everyone! I've been really interested in public health lately, and I was wondering if any of you could share your thoughts on the best undergraduate public health programs in the US? I'd love to know what schools are known for it, and what kind of experiences current students or alumni have had.

29 days ago

It's excellent that you're interested in public health! There are several top-notch undergraduate public health programs across the US. Here are five schools with strong undergraduate programs in public health, though this list is by no means exhaustive:

1. Johns Hopkins University - Known for its Bloomberg School of Public Health, JHU has an interdisciplinary, research-oriented undergraduate Public Health Studies program. Students often have the chance to collaborate with graduate-level researchers and faculty and participate in internships and study abroad opportunities. The public health research done at Johns Hopkins often makes a global impact - many of the frequently cited studies during the covid-19 pandemic were conducted by JHU researchers.

2. University of California, Berkeley - UC Berkeley offers a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health, with a strong focus on social determinants of health, as well as health policy and management. The program provides opportunities for internships, research, and community service, and benefits from being connected to Berkeley's top-rated School of Public Health.

3. University of Michigan - The University of Michigan's School of Public Health is well-respected and offers a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Public Health. The program emphasizes engaged learning, internships, and global public health experiences.

4. Tulane University - Tulane is home to one of the oldest schools of public health in the nation and offers a Bachelor of Science in Public Health. Located in New Orleans, students have the opportunity to engage with the local community's unique public health challenges and benefit from Tulane's connections to organizations like the CDC and the World Health Organization.

5. Boston University - BU's Bachelor of Science in Public Health features interdisciplinary coursework and opportunities for research and internships in Boston's thriving healthcare ecosystem. The program grounds students in the fundamentals of public health, while giving them access to BU's esteemed School of Public Health for advanced courses and collaboration with faculty on cutting-edge research.

While ranking or selecting the "best" public health program is subjective, these schools generally have strong reputations and resources for public health studies. However, it's essential to consider factors like location, size, and overall fit when narrowing down your college list, to ensure you apply to schools where you'd thrive personally as well as academically. Be sure to explore individual program websites, attend college information sessions, chat with current students or alumni, and consult college ranking sites to gather more information.

Good luck with your college search!

29 days ago

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