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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Most popular majors at Columbia University?

Hey everyone! I'm curious about which majors are the most popular at Columbia University. Have any of y'all heard about the top options there? Thanks!

a month ago

Hey! Columbia University has a diverse range of majors, but some of the most popular ones based on the number of graduates include:

1. Economics: Columbia's Economics program is well-regarded, and many students choose it because of its strong faculty and potential career opportunities.

2. Political Science: With the university's location in New York City and its focus on global issues, many students are drawn to this field of study.

3. Computer Science: As technology continues to advance, more students are pursuing Computer Science as a major at Columbia, making it quite popular.

4. Psychology: Columbia's Psychology program offers a solid foundation in the field and has a robust research component that attracts many students.

5. English Literature: With a strong humanities emphasis and a vast array of literature courses, Columbia's English Literature program has earned its popularity.

These are just a few of the many popular majors available at Columbia University, but keep in mind that Columbia also offers interdisciplinary majors, allowing you to combine multiple areas of interest. It's essential to find a subject you're passionate about and aligns with your future goals, rather than just following the crowd. Good luck!

a month ago

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