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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Dorm life at Nassau Community College?

I'm considering attending Nassau Community College and was wondering if anyone here has any insights about their dorms. How is dorm life there? Are the dorms in decent condition?

a month ago

Dorm life at Nassau Community College (NCC) is quite different from traditional four-year colleges since NCC is primarily a commuter school, and it does not offer on-campus housing. However, there are nearby off-campus housing options that you could explore, such as renting an apartment or sharing a house with other students. The college also has a partnership with a nearby apartment complex, which provides some off-campus housing options for students at a discounted rate.

Since there are no actual dorms at NCC, the campus life will be distinct from the residential experience at other colleges. However, NCC offers various clubs, organizations, and on-campus events that can help you connect with other students and enhance your college experience. The college is located in a suburban area with amenities close by, which can make it convenient for students living off-campus.

It's essential to research off-campus housing options and consider factors such as location, transportation, cost, and the overall living environment. Keep in mind that finding housing can be an independent process, so you might need to check local listings, social media groups, and connect with other students to find suitable accommodation.

a month ago

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