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Columbia College Chicago Musical Theatre Program

Hey everyone! I'm seriously considering applying to Columbia College Chicago for their Musical Theatre program. Can anyone here provide some insight into what it's like there? How competitive is it, and what do they focus on in terms of training? Any advice would be appreciated!

26 days ago

Hey there! Columbia College Chicago has a solid Musical Theatre program that is known for its comprehensive approach to training. The program combines rigorous coursework in acting, singing, and dancing, preparing students for a well-rounded career in the performing arts. While it's not as competitive as some other top-tier conservatories, the program still maintains a high level of talent among its students.

Columbia College Chicago focuses on a collaborative, ensemble-centered approach. Students follow a sequence of acting, voice, and dance courses that build upon one another. That means you'll be honing your skills in a variety of settings, from close-knit studios to large productions.

Acting-wise, the program offers courses in Meisner Technique, stage combat, and various acting styles like Shakespeare. There are also numerous performance opportunities where students can showcase their talents and build their résumés.

For vocal training, the program covers vocal techniques, diction, and interpretation of various musical theatre styles. You'll be able to explore contemporary musical theatre, classic Broadway, operetta, and more. Vocal health and longevity are emphasized throughout.

Dance training is integral to this program as well. You'll be learning ballet, jazz, tap, and modern dance, which will help you become a versatile performer. Columbia College Chicago encourages its students to develop their skills in a range of dance styles.

Additionally, you'll take courses in music theory, perform in musical theatre workshops, and work on developing audition and business skills. The program does a great job at preparing students for the industry by emphasizing the importance of networking and professional development.

One piece of advice is to start working on your audition materials early, including polishing both your monologues and songs. Take time to research the program thoroughly, and consider visiting the campus if possible to get a more in-depth, firsthand look at the facilities and atmosphere.

Best of luck with your application! There's certainly a strong and supportive community at Columbia College Chicago, and their Musical Theatre program offers well-rounded training for aspiring performers.

26 days ago

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