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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is an 830 SAT score good?

Hey, I'm a junior and I just got my SAT score back. I scored an 830, and I'm not sure if that's considered a good score. Should I retake it to improve my chances of getting into a decent college? What do you guys think?

a month ago

An 830 SAT score is below the national average, which is around 1060. It's essential to understand that colleges have varying expectations for SAT scores, depending on their selectivity and other factors. While an 830 might be considered low for more selective institutions, it may still be acceptable for other colleges with less competitive admissions.

That being said, if you're aiming to attend a more selective college or improve your overall application, retaking the SAT might be a good idea. To increase your chances of scoring higher the next time, consider identifying your weaknesses and focus on improving them through targeted practice, study materials, or even working with a tutor or taking a prep course if possible. Another alternative to consider is the ACT, as some students perform better on one test over the other.

Ultimately, you know your goals and potential best. Assess your college aspirations, research the average test scores of the colleges you're most interested in, and do what feels right for your individual journey. Keep in mind that in addition to test scores, colleges also consider factors like your grades, class rigor, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendation letters as part of their holistic admissions process.

a month ago

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