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Exploring Allied Health Programs in NYC

Hey, I'm a high school junior interested in allied health and medical assisting services. Can anyone recommend some solid allied health programs and schools in the NYC area? I'd really appreciate any info you can provide!

a month ago

Certainly! New York City offers a variety of allied health programs at both two-year and four-year institutions. Here are some schools and programs worth considering:

1. City University of New York (CUNY) System: The CUNY system has a number of campuses in NYC that offer allied health programs. For example, CUNY Bronx Community College offers an accredited Medical Laboratory Technician program. Additionally, CUNY LaGuardia Community College has an accredited Radiologic Technology program and an Occupational Therapy Assistant program.

2. New York University (NYU): NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development offers programs in several allied health fields, such as Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Communicative Sciences and Disorders.

3. Columbia University: The Programs in Occupational Therapy at Columbia University provide students with training in various allied health disciplines, such as Occupational Therapy, Nutrition, and Applied Physiology.

4. Stony Brook University: While not located directly in NYC, it's part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system and is easily accessible by train. Stony Brook offers a variety of allied health programs, including Health Sciences degrees with multiple tracks like Respiratory Care, Anesthesia Technology, and Medical Molecular Biology.

5. Pace University: Pace University's College of Health Professions provides programs such as a B.S. in Health Science, which allows you to concentrate on specific allied health fields like Health Care Administration, Rehabilitation Science, and Health Policy.

These are just a few examples of programs and schools to explore in the NYC area. Each institution may have other allied health programs not mentioned here, so it's a good idea to research and visit the schools' websites to find the most suitable program for your interests. Remember to also consider factors such as cost, program accreditation, and graduation rates when making your choice. Good luck!

a month ago

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