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How's the public health major at UC Berkeley?

Hello everyone, I'm really interested in public health and considering UC Berkeley as one of my top choices. Can anyone give me more insight into their public health major? How are the classes, professors, and research opportunities? Any advice is appreciated!

a month ago

UC Berkeley's public health major is highly regarded and offers a comprehensive curriculum that prepares students for various careers in the field. The program aims to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to address complex public health issues.

Classes are generally diverse, and cover topics such as health policy, epidemiology, global health, environmental health, and health behavior. Many courses involve an interdisciplinary approach, which asks students to integrate concepts from the natural, social, and behavioral sciences, as well as the humanities. The class sizes can vary, but introductory and core classes tend to be larger, before smaller upper-division courses and seminars allow for more personalized learning experiences.

The professors at UC Berkeley's public health department come from a wide range of backgrounds and are renowned for their research and expertise in the field. They are actively engaged in cutting-edge research projects, and many students find them approachable and supportive. Building strong relationships with professors through class participation, office hours, and research opportunities can significantly enhance your learning experience and lead to valuable connections in the field which could benefit you when you're eventually applying for full-time jobs.

Research opportunities are plentiful both within the School of Public Health and across other departments on campus. Public health major students can participate in faculty-led projects, or seek out independent research opportunities themselves. For one example of an available research opportunity, Berkeley's Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) helps connect students with faculty-led research projects, which can be a particularly good option for those who want to gain hands-on experience and explore their specific interests within public health.

Additionally, UC Berkeley offers various internships and fellowships in public health, which can provide valuable real-world experience to supplement your academic studies. Keep an eye out for announcements, and reach out to the public health major advisors, the School of Public Health's career services center, or the campus career center for guidance on finding internships that align with your interests and goals.

Finally, being located in the Bay Area, which is a globally renowned medical hub, is highly advantageous for public health students. No matter your interests or career goals, there is likely an opportunity for you to explore them further in the area around Berkeley, whether at a major hospital or a start-up.

Overall, UC Berkeley's public health major offers a robust academic foundation, exceptional faculty, and a wealth of research and experiential learning opportunities that can help pave the way to a successful career in the field. If you end up applying and are looking for tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle UC Berkeley's application essays: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-university-of-california-essays. After all, UC Berkeley is highly selective, and the essays are often just the thing that distinguishes one talented applicant from another.

Good luck with your college applications, and I hope this information is helpful in your decision-making process!

a month ago

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