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Mills College Dorms and Housing

I am considering attending Mills College, and I would like to know more about the dorms and housing options there. Can someone give me a rundown of the different dorms and living arrangements available at Mills College? Which ones are the most popular or recommended?

28 days ago

Mills College offers a variety of housing options for students. While there are several dorms and living arrangements available, I'll give you a quick rundown of the most notable ones.

1. Mary Morse Hall: This dormitory is a favorite among first-year students and provides both traditional hall-style rooms and suite-style living. Mary Morse has a lovely courtyard for students to socialize, study, or simply relax in a peaceful outdoor setting.

2. Ethel Moore Hall: Another option primarily for first-year students, Ethel Moore features a mix of double and triple occupancy rooms in a traditional hall-style environment. This dormitory contains a community kitchen and large common spaces for studying and socializing.

3. Warren Olney Hall: This residence hall is popular with continuing and transfer students, in part due to the single occupancy rooms that allow for increased independence and privacy. Olney is conveniently located near the campus dining hall and other key facilities.

4. Orchard Meadow Hall: Also primarily for non-first-year students, Orchard Meadow features suite-style living with a combination of single and double occupancy rooms spread across two floors. This hall is known for its spacious common areas and its close proximity to the library and academic buildings.

5. Underwood Apartments: For students seeking a more independent living experience, the Underwood Apartments feature one-, two-, and three-bedroom options. These apartments include full kitchens, living rooms, and private bathrooms.

6. Courtyard Townhouses: This housing option includes two-story, three-bedroom townhouses that cater to the needs of graduate students and upperclassmen looking for a home-like atmosphere. Each townhouse has a full kitchen, living room, shared bathroom, and in-unit washer and dryer.

These are just a few of the options available, and it is essential to consider your lifestyle, study habits, and budget when selecting your housing preferences. Some students might prioritize proximity to campus facilities, while others may place more importance on privacy, independence, or the chance to build close-knit communities within their living spaces.

Be sure to visit the Mills College website for more information, and don't forget to check the application deadlines for housing to ensure you secure your preferred living arrangement. Best of luck!

28 days ago

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