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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What city is WGU located in?

Western Governors University (WGU) caught my eye as an online school option. I'm curious about their main campus location (if they have one), can someone tell me which city WGU is based out of? Thanks!

27 days ago

WGU, or Western Governors University, is primarily an online university, so it does not have a typical campus like traditional universities. However, if you're looking for their headquarters, it is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. They also have affiliate locations in a few other states like Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, Washington, and Tennessee, which mostly function as administrative offices as opposed to serving as traditional campuses.

Keep in mind that as an online student at WGU, you'll be able to complete your coursework entirely remotely, without the need to visit the Salt Lake City headquarters or any other physical locations. I hope this information answers your question!

27 days ago

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