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Brooklyn College Online Classes

Hello everyone! With the whole remote learning situation nowadays, I was wondering if Brooklyn College is offering a variety of online classes? If so, how has your experience been with the quality of content and professors' engagement? Just want to make sure I can still make the most out of my education despite the circumstances.

a month ago

Absolutely! Brooklyn College has adapted to remote learning and offers a variety of online classes across different majors and subjects. Due to the pandemic, they've put in a lot of effort to ensure students have access to a wide range of courses while keeping health and safety a priority.

The quality of content in online classes will vary depending on the course and professor, but most have been putting in the effort to create engaging and informative content. You might encounter a mix of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (pre-recorded) materials, along with online discussions, group work, projects, and exams. Professors have also been adjusting their teaching techniques and incorporating various online platforms to make the learning experience as smooth as possible.

In terms of professors' engagement, many are committed to maintaining communication with students via email, virtual office hours, and online discussion forums. They understand the importance of staying connected, especially during remote learning. However, keep in mind that engagement will also vary based on the professor's style and workload.

To make the most out of your online education, it's essential to be proactive, disciplined, and organized in managing your schedule, coursework, and communication with your professors. Keep in mind, engaging with your classmates and participating in online discussions can also enhance your learning experience.

Although remote learning may not be the same as in-person instruction, Brooklyn College is striving to provide a quality educational experience for its students. By taking advantage of available resources and maintaining a strong work ethic, you can continue to have a fulfilling academic experience.

a month ago

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