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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Columbia University: what makes it so special?

So, I'm kind of drawn to Columbia University, but I'm not entirely sure why it's so highly regarded. Can anyone explain what sets it apart from other top schools and what makes it unique?

a month ago

Columbia University has a variety of distinctive features that set it apart from other top institutions. Here are some of the main aspects that contribute to its prestige and unique appeal:

1. Core Curriculum: One of the hallmarks of a Columbia education is its Core Curriculum, a set of required courses designed to provide a strong foundation in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Students explore great works of literature, philosophy, history, art, and music, fostering critical thinking and intellectual growth. This shared educational experience helps create a close-knit community and ensures that graduates have a well-rounded education.

2. Location: Columbia is located in New York City, one of the world's most vibrant and diverse cultural centers. Being in a global city offers countless opportunities for internships, job connections, networking, and entertainment. The university's Morningside Heights neighborhood strikes a balance between the bustling city life and a more quiet, campus-like atmosphere, providing the best of both worlds for students.

3. Research Opportunities: As a leading research institution, Columbia offers a multitude of research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students across various fields. Students have the chance to work with renowned faculty members, access state-of-the-art facilities, and collaborate with research centers and institutes.

4. Academic Prestige and Resources: Columbia is highly regarded for its top-notch faculty and rigorous academic programs. Many of its graduate and undergraduate programs rank among the best in the nation, including those in the arts and sciences, engineering, journalism, business, law, and public health. The university's extensive library system is one of the top five in the nation, providing access to millions of volumes and valuable resources for research and academic exploration.

5. Global Perspective: Columbia is committed to cultivating a global outlook among its students, both within and outside the classroom. It has numerous study-abroad opportunities and partners with institutions around the world. The university also boasts a diverse student body, representing over 150 countries, enriching the campus community with a variety of perspectives.

6. Alumni Network: Columbia has a strong alumni network, which can be an invaluable resource for students as they begin their careers. Alumni have achieved success in numerous fields, and many of them remain involved with the university, offering mentorship, connections, and job opportunities for current students.

These factors, alongside its excellent reputation, make Columbia University a unique and special place to pursue your education.

a month ago

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