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What's it like living on Hunter College's campus?

I've been considering Hunter College as a future option, and I'm curious to know about the campus living experience there. Can anyone share their thoughts or experiences living on or near the Hunter College campus?

a month ago

Living on or near Hunter College's campus can be an exciting experience, as you'll have the opportunity to explore the diverse and bustling New York City neighborhood surrounding the school. Hunter College is located in Manhattan's Upper East Side, which offers students a variety of cultural, culinary, and recreational options. Keep in mind that living in New York City can be expensive, so make sure to budget accordingly.

Hunter College's main campus primarily consists of its iconic West Building and the connecting North Building. The Brookdale campus, which is located further downtown near Kips Bay, also houses some athletic facilities and dorms. The dorms at the Brookdale campus, known as the Brookdale Residence Hall, are apartment-style with shared living spaces and kitchens, providing a more independent living experience compared to traditional dormitories. While some students appreciate this setup, others may find it less social than a typical college dormitory.

Commuting to and from the Brookdale Residence Hall can add a bit of travel time to your day, as you'll need to navigate public transportation to reach the main campus uptown. However, many students appreciate the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the city's subway system and enjoy the daily commute as part of the full New York City experience.

As for the surrounding area, you'll have access to many shops, restaurants, and museums in the Upper East Side, as well as Central Park, which is just a few blocks away from the main campus. Students also benefit from Hunter's close proximity to other NYC colleges and universities, so you can forge connections with students from various institutions.

Overall, living on or near Hunter College's campus offers a unique, urban experience. While it may not be the typical college living situation, it provides ample opportunities to immerse yourself in the vibrant life of New York City and make unforgettable memories during your time as a student.

a month ago

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