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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Changing SAT Date

Hey everyone! I've been feeling a bit stressed and need to change my SAT date. Has anyone gone through this process before? If yes, how would I go about doing it?

19 days ago

Hey there! Changing your SAT test date is quite simple and many students have done it before. You'll need to log in to your College Board account and follow these steps:

1. From your dashboard, click on "My SAT."

2. Find the registration for the test you want to change and select "Change Registration."

3. Select the test date you'd like to switch to from the available options.

4. Review any fees that may be associated with changing your test date, and pay them accordingly.

Please note that there will be a fee for changing your test date, which is currently $25, though the exact amount is subject to change. Keep in mind that the new test date must be within a valid registration window, and availability at test centers can be limited, especially during peak testing months.

Once you've completed these steps, you'll receive a confirmation of the changes made to your registration, and you should be all set. Good luck on your SAT preparation!

19 days ago

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