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Best graphic design schools in the US?

Hello, does anyone have any suggestions for the top graphic design schools in America? I've started researching them and would love to hear your advice and experiences. Thanks in advance!

18 days ago

Hi there! I'm glad to see you're looking into graphic design programs. Here's a list of some of the top graphic design schools in the US to help you out. Keep in mind that the "best" school for you will depend on factors like location, size, and programs offered, so do your research to find the one that is the best fit for you personally as well as academically.

1. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD): RISD is widely recognized as one of the top art and design schools in the country, with a strong graphic design program. They offer a BFA in Graphic Design and a wide range of practical and theoretical courses.

2. Parsons School of Design: Part of The New School in New York City, Parsons has a rigorous BFA in Communication Design program, which focuses on graphic design, illustration, and advertising.

3. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts): Located in Valencia, CA, CalArts is a renowned art and design school. Their BFA in Graphic Design program emphasizes hands-on projects and exposure to various forms of media.

4. Pratt Institute: This prestigious New York-based school offers a BFA in Communications Design program, with concentrations in graphic design, illustration, and advertising art direction.

5. Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA): With a BFA in Graphic Design and a focus on critical thinking and creative problem-solving, MICA provides a great foundation for aspiring graphic designers.

6. University of Cincinnati: Their College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) offers a BS in Communication Design, where students can specialize in graphic design, motion design, or interaction design.

7. Carnegie Mellon University: Known for its interdisciplinary approach, Carnegie Mellon offers a BFA in Design program with concentrations in Communication Design and Industrial Design.

8. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD): With campuses in both Savannah, GA, and Atlanta, GA, SCAD offers a BFA in Graphic Design that focuses on preparing students for careers in a variety of creative industries.

Remember to visit each school's website, review their programs in detail, and reach out to their admissions office with any questions you may have. Good luck with your search!

18 days ago

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